What It Means to Be a Mom

This is a blog for all the moms out there. While we celebrated Mother’s Day this past weekend, I thought it was important to write a little bit about motherhood from my own perspective and how being a mom has made me a better person, worker and friend.


Let’s start with what society says to women who have children and also want to have a career; it’s an almost impossible task and at the end of the day you are going to have to choose one. While I know many people look at motherhood a career ender, I myself have found that being a mother has increased my work ethic and makes me work double as hard so my daughter can have a good life and also see what it means to be a strong, independent woman who has a good job and can be a good and attentive mother at the same time. It is very possible to raise a family and have a career; more women do it then we give them credit for.


I have always believed that the hardest career out there is bring a parent, a job no one gets paid for but stakes are high and it is all on you to figure out how to raise a good kid, kind and smart child. When Reagan was first born, I understood quickly that I would need to figure out how to make my schedule work to balance the time I spent with her and the time I spent doing my other jobs. I have been lucky enough to choose a career that allows me flexibility on when and how much I work so that meant when Reagan had a dance recital or needed to be picked up from school, between my husband and I, one of us would always be able to be there. As she continues to grow up I find myself working even harder in my career so I can be an example to her to show her that a woman can have it all, and really have it all.


One of the greatest days of my life was the day Reagan was born, everything changed for me that day. My husband Jay and I became parents for the first time and there is nothing like that feeling of holding a little bundle of joy that is part of both of you. From that day on I have felt the greatest responsibility towards my daughter to raise her to be a good person and help guide her along the way as she continues to try new things on and experience different parts of life for the first time. Being a mother is amazing and challenging but it is my favorite “job” of all my “jobs” and I hope to keep showing Reagan how she can be a mother one day too and have the career of her dreams at the same time.