If I were to tell you that Denver ranks pretty high in the country for places that young entrepreneurs are moving to, would that surprise you? Probably not because we all know that Denver is one of the fastest growing cities in the United States and with our outdoor playground in our backyard, the work/life balance here attracts hard workers from all areas. Recently, Denver was ranked 9th in the nation of best cities for young entrepreneurs based on the four criteria of young adult influence, educational attainment, population growth and tax environment by MoneyRates.com.
The rate at which this city is growing will not slow down anytime soon and the types of jobs that the city has to offer is bringing more and more talent to Colorado. Young entrepreneurs see Denver as a place to set up shop because they don’t have the excessive cost of living, a great pick of potential workers and they get to live in one of the most beautiful states in the country. Also the location of Denver is idea for work, it is not too long of a flight from California or the Midwest (New York is always a bit of a long flight but hey, for the view of the Rocky Mountains I think many people will take the three + hour flight).
When many of these young entrepreneurs come to Denver they are looking for a place to set up shop or even a place they can use as a live/work space. One thing I would recommend is to look into the extensive selection of lofts this city has to offer that are ideal as live/work spaces. Since 2005, I have been specializing in lofts, specifically those in the downtown area, and my website AllDenverLofts.com is a great place to start looking for any young entrepreneur looking to move to Denver. Not only will you have a spot to work and live, but you will also own property here in Denver that is always a great investment. I constantly tell my clients that the greatest investment anyone can make for themselves in Denver right now is in real estate and the facts and numbers that recent studies have shown continue to prove that point.
If you are an entrepreneur looking to move to the Denver area sometime soon or anytime in the future, give me a call or email today and let’s set up a time to chat about the choices you have when it comes to looking for the perfect life/work space for your business.
Live/work Loft At The Bolt Factory - Listed By: Phillip Svabodo, Blue Shift Real Estate $5000/MO